Apr 5, 2021

Member Spotlight | Gravity IT


Business: IT staffing agency specializing in filling roles for companies in South Florida.

Launched: 2015

HQ: Fort Lauderdale

Employees: 30+

Website: GravityITResources.com

Fort Lauderdale-based Gravity IT has had a front-row seat to South Florida’s booming tech industry. 

“We see a lot of companies today that are growing like crazy,” Account Manager Stephanie Grassi explained. “It’s a great time for people in the tech industry in South Florida.”

This boutique staffing agency serves some of the most technologically advanced companies from Juno Beach to South Miami, including energy giant NextEra (parent company of Florida Power & Light) and security firm G4S.

Since its inception six years ago, Gravity IT has grown tenfold: from three people to a team of more than 30 employees spread across offices in Fort Lauderdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, and Columbus.

Grassi, who was Gravity IT’s tenth employee, said that the company prides itself on “providing high quality talent in the areas that matter the most” to their clients. 

No role is too niche for Gravity IT’s staff. The company has teams that focus on recruitment for specialized areas of expertise like Salesforce development, business analytics, and project management.

“One of our main differentiators is our referral program,” said Grassi. She called it their “number one source for quality hires.” This program incentivizes people in the tech community to share referrals, which Grassi described as “crowdsourcing the recruitment process to people we trust.”

Gravity IT is fast moving. Grassi said that in many cases her team finds and delivers talent in under 48 hours: “it’s a very quick turnaround.”

The Covid-19 pandemic has shifted the needs of Gravity IT’s clients. “Project managers are more needed now, as well as business analysts,” said Grassi. “There’s also still demand for software engineers, DevOps folks, and Salesforce experts.”

According to Grassi, the pandemic has opened up employers’ minds to remote work. “We’re seeing more companies now that are open to remote work,” she said. Employers still want these contractors to be based in the US, but Grassi has noticed that they are increasingly flexible about the time zone they are in.

Grassi noted that this flexibility towards remote working opens the pool of potential applicants to fill her clients’ roles. However, she said that it is still possible for local talent to stand out in a crowded space.

“Keep your resume up to date and connect with as many people as possible to keep your name out there,” Grassi said. She advises candidates to have multiple versions of their resume on hand to fit different roles that may arise.

She also suggested that jobseekers “talk to as many recruiters as [they] can.” While this may be difficult to do in a pandemic, Grassi said that LinkedIn is a great resource for meeting recruiters.

“You can tell recruiters that you’re looking for a new opportunity and would love to connect,” Grassi said. “It’s really helpful for us to know that you are open to work.”

Despite the high demand for jobs, Grassi says that people looking for tech jobs should feel optimistic: “there are lots of opportunities out there.”

Learn more about Gravity IT on their website, GravityITResources.com.