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The Basics of UX UI Design

Online event

Are you looking to learn about UX/UI Design but don’t know where to start? Have you wondered how apps and websites are designed from a user’s perspective? In a fast-growing […]

The Basics of UX UI Design

Online event

Are you looking to learn about UX/UI Design but don’t know where to start? Have you wondered how apps and websites are designed from a user’s perspective? In a fast-growing […]

Build and deploy a self-contained chatbot WITHOUT OpenAI

Cendyn Spaces, in the Atrium 980 North Federal Highway, Boca Raton, FL, United States

Anyone can find a YouTube Video and follow and have a chatbot on your computer going in a couple of minutes. But what if you want a chatbot that DOESN’T […]

Jira Software: Working with Workflows

Online event

**Join Us for the Agile International Coaching Meetup!** Tired of inefficient workflows slowing down your projects? Steven White is here to help! This is your chance to learn from the […]

Understanding DevOps Principles and Best Practices

Online event

**(https://ironhack.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7wkVbGuCTYGNI0YAizC6Rw) (https://ironhack.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_7wkVbGuCTYGNI0YAizC6Rw#/registration)** Are you curious about the DevOps world but feel overwhelmed by the technical jargon? Would you like to understand the DevOps principles, best practices, methodologies and key concepts? […]

FREE REMOTE | Agile Coaching Clinic

Online event

If you find yourself working from home and want to learn new skills to catapult your career and build Agile, Remote High Performing Teams, this is the workshop for you. […]

FREE REMOTE | Agile Coaching Clinic

Online event

If you find yourself working from home and want to learn new skills to catapult your career and build Agile, Remote High Performing Teams, this is the workshop for you. […]