Feb 5, 2021

CEO Update | Why we’re now Tech Hub South Florida


To our South Florida Tech Community,

Thank you so much for supporting our launch as Tech Hub South Florida!

It’s been my honor to lead this amazing organization since our inception in July 2015; first as Palm Beach Tech and now as Tech Hub South Florida. We had often got the question of “Why just Palm Beach?” And now ironically “Why did you rebrand?”

Simply put, we’re doubling down on leading our South Florida Tech Industry!


So why did we rebrand?

In 2019, I penned an op-ed in the Sun Sentinel entitled: South Florida tech businesses need to join forces to compete globally

“Unless we can band together in one holistic regional effort, and tackle our challenges together as one, we will continue to lose pace globally. But work together today, and we can bring more jobs, talent, and opportunity for our next generation tomorrow.”

Our Board of Directors has looked since then to expand our resources and support to all of South Florida. As our membership expanded, as did our responsibility to tackle larger issues like that of our tech industry workforce.

The need for a consistent stream of high-quality tech talent is not a county issue, it is a regional issue and must be addressed as such. This will continue to be Tech Hub South Florida’s top priority as we serve our committed members, our growing industry, and our diverse community.

But this is one of so many issues to tackle in the coming years.


How’d we do it?

Thanks to our friends at 2TON Creative, which generationally succeeded our originally branding team, we got to work on reimagining our name, identity, and position in our tech community.

In our first meetings building the organization and to this day, our mission has always resonated: Build South Florida Into a Tech Hub

Our Team and Board loved it! The more we shared the idea of expanding regionally, the countless conversations with regional leaders, tech companies, and partners supported the belief in this idea.


We are #SouthFloridaTech

In my first sentence, I referred to our organization as ‘amazing’ – this is in no part a description on a nonprofit association, but a reflection on the passionate people who take part in our mission every single day. We are building a big tent, with everyone welcome at the table.

So to our Board, Peer Group Leaders, Community Leaders, Team and every person reading this – thank you for being amazing! I’m confident that we can Build South Florida into a Tech Hub, together.

We are Tech Hub South Florida, and we’re here to lead #BuildingSoFlo


In Service,

Joseph R. Russo
President & CEO, Tech Hub South Florida