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The Martin County School District is elevating tech-inspired teaching through its CampTEACH program

on June 22, 2024 / by Nikki Cabus ,

Read Time 3 Minutes

The Martin County School District is pioneering academic innovation through their “CampTEACH” initiative, focused on harnessing technology to drive educational transformation.

This summer, the Districts dedicated educators engaged in an enriching, tech-inspired learning experience at CampTEACH, or Technology Exploring Acadmic Change. They explored new technology tools and received guidance to enhance their proficiency with existing platforms.

Educators attend the ‘AI in Education’ keynote session.

CampTEACH 2024 was offered the week after the 2023 – 2024 school year concluded and included an impressive 60 educational sessions, amounting to over 1,600 hours of professional development – more than double from the previous year. Nearly 180 teachers from all traditional schools, as well as most alternative and special sites, participated in this summer learning program.

Back in the early 2000s, classroom technology was mostly limited to basic computer lessons: learning to type, getting familiar with different search engines, and generally becoming comfortable using technology for homework and class assignments.

Today, however, many children have grown up with technology, whether it’s been accessible to them from an early age or with the expectation that they be proficient with devices and the internet. Technology has become integral to their lives and future success. Schools must reconsider the steps they’re taking to promote and incorporate digital literacy into their programs, ensuring students acquire the necessary skills to research, validate, and share information across different devices and platforms.

In the new era of social media and AI, misinformation runs rampant. Enhancing digital literacy entails more than just educating students about world events; it includes teaching them how to research, verify sources, and independently assess the accuracy of the information they find online.

Victoria Thompson, Education Strategist at CDW

Artificial Intelligence was a major topic at this year’s sessions. “When I think about the AI in education debate, there’s a lot of things that are going on in both the K-12 and higher education space,” shared keynote speaker and K-12 Education Strategist at CDW, Victoria Thompson.

Her keynote presentation titled ‘AI in Education’ was a highlight this year’s program. “I do focus on the high school aspect in particular about the college career readiness, but it’s all about k-12 and how we can use artificial intelligence for students.”

Any competent teacher can attest that learning extends beyond the classroom. It’s essential for students to carry practical skills with them as they navigate through life, and their schools must equip them with the tools to become more informed and thoughtful citizens.

Faith Peak, Murray Middle School science teacher

“I try to think of what’s coming for me for the next year and what new tools I’m going to need to help my students and what new platforms or programs the District has put in place that there might be an informational session for,” shared Faith Peak, Murray Middle School science teacher.

“I do really like that there’s options and multiple options so you don’t have to really pick and choose and lose out.”

The Martin County School District shared that they are extremely proud of their educators’ commitment to continuous improvement and innovative teaching practices. As the Treasure Coast region and Martin County continue to grow, the need for more educators is growing.

Click here if you are interested in joining the district and their mission to “Educate All Students to Success.”


The Martin County School District is elevating tech-inspired teaching through its CampTEACH program