Jan 24, 2023

The City of Miami funds 5 tech nonprofits focused on youth initiatives


The City of Miami recently announced that it’s awarding $250,000 to Miami-based nonprofits focused on science and technology programs for youth.

The nonprofits will each receive $50,000 in funding. The nonprofits chosen are Breakthrough Miami, DoGood41, NFTE, Dibia Dream and South Florida Tech Hub member, CodeArt.

The funding is in an effort to support nonprofits that focus on diversifying the tech industry such as Code/Art that aims to get more girls involved in technology through the introduction of coding using art programming.

Mayor Francis Suarez

“Venture Miami has identified several avenues to provide access to high-quality, high-paying jobs, upskilling and retraining, small business support and digital transformation with the focus on expanding diversity and inclusion within the tech industry,” Suarez told the Miami Herald in a recent article.

The City’s initiative, Venture Miami, led by Executive Director Erick Gavin has also raised $4 million dollars, including $500,000 from the City, to help fund scholarships for Miami students accepted into science, technology, engineering and mathematics programs at higher education institutions such as University of Miami, Florida Memorial University, Florida International University, and Miami Dade College.

“This funding from Venture Miami will allow us to provide more girls with the opportunity to learn about computer science and technology in a fun & supportive environment,” Code Art posted on social media.

Code/Art is on a mission to increase the number of girls in computer science by delighting and inspiring them with the creative possibilities of computer programming. They strive to put young women, particularly young women from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, on track for future tech careers by providing welcoming early coding programs that focus on art, creativity and social good.

Code/Art does this through programing such as their upcoming Code Art Fest which is an annual coding conference for girls,
educators & tech enthusiasts. The 2023 conference will be held at the Idea Center at Miami Dade College on Saturday, March 11th.

For more information, visit www.code-art.com/codeartfest/