This November, the South Florida tech ecosystem ignited our entrepreneurial spirit during Global Entrepreneurship Month by hosting a series of extraordinary events showcasing the transformative power of innovation and investment. Dubbed “The Month of Shark Tank,” the...
Scaling a startup from early success to sustained growth is an exhilarating yet daunting journey. Growth-stage startups encounter a unique set of challenges that can make or break their trajectory. From scaling operations to managing talent and funding, the...
Urbint, the leading AI platform for identifying and mitigating threats to workers, critical infrastructure, and communities, announced a $35 million strategic investment round led by S2G Ventures (“S2G”) with participation from Energize Capital, Blue Bear Capital,...
Rony Abovitz, the visionary entrepreneur behind the augmented reality company Magic Leap and robotic surgery pioneer MAKO Surgical, has launched a new venture, SynthBee, which is poised to change the landscape of artificial intelligence. The company just announced...
Miami-based FlexFactor, a cutting-edge provider of decline recovery solutions for eCommerce brands, has announced the successful completion of its $16.8 million Series A funding round. The round was led by Bessemer Venture Partners, with additional participation from...