Oct 18, 2019

SBA National SBIR Road Tour coming to South Florida


Want to connect with the government’s largest source of grant funding for innovative early-stage small businesses in technology or the sciences? Here’s your chance.

The Small Business Administration’s National SBIR Road Tour is coming to Miami, and you’re invited to attend. Representatives of 12 federal agencies that award SBIR/STTR grants will be on hand.

The tour is being hosted by U Innovation at the University of Miami on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2019. It will connect entrepreneurs working on advanced technology to the country’s largest source of early-stage funding — the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The SBIR and STTR programs, which focus on next-generation research and development, provide more than $3 billion in early-stage funding to small businesses each year and execute more than 5,000 new awards annually.

If you’re an entrepreneur, researcher or a small business in fields such as advanced technology, life sciences, energy or aerospace, don’t miss this opportunity.


Program managers from 12 participating federal agencies will conduct one-on-one meetings, take part in targeted panels, discuss technology areas, and share insights into how the agencies make funding decisions. After registering, attendees will be contacted via email about scheduling one-on-one meetings with agency representatives.


  • 7:00 a.m. – Registration, networking, continental breakfast
  • 8:00 – Introductions
  • 8:15 – SBIR/STTR overview
  • 8:45 – Five-minute reverse pitches from agencies
  • 9:45 – SBA and federal agency talks and panels
  • 12:30 – Lunch (provided with registration)
  • 1:30 – Opportunity zones and your company: How and why to take advantage of opportunity zones to spur investment into your company

Simultaneous one-on-one meetings will occur from 8:00 to 12:30 with agency representatives.

Federal agencies confirmed to attend: Department of Health and Human Services – National Institutes of Health (NIH);  National Science Foundation (NSF); National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); Department of Energy (DOE); Department of Homeland Security (DHS); Department of Transportation (DOT); Department of Defense – Air Force (USAF); Department of Defense – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Department of Defense – Missile Defense Agency (MDA); Department of Defense – Navy (DON); Department of Defense – Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA); Department of Defense – Special Operations Command (SOCOM).

For more information, visit www.sbirroadtour.com.