Jun 14, 2021

PeakActivity launches eCommerce company, RevCommerce


Manish Hirapara, CEO of PeakActivity

PeakActivity, one of South Florida’s fastest-growing digital strategy and implementation companies, has announced the launch of RevCommerce, a highly customizable eCommerce platform.

Manish Hirapara, PeakActivity’s CEO, initially developed the idea of RevCommerce around his clients’ needs for a better eCommerce platform.

“We launched this platform to help businesses take their eCommerce to the next level,” Hirapara told Tech Hub South Florida. He explained that RevCommerce provides “a fast and flexible way to create a solution for their future,” not just for their current needs.

Andy Boyland, the CEO of RevCommerce, noted that consumers have very high standards for interacting with eCommerce. “Large corporations like Amazon set the bar by which our eCommerce experience is measured,” he said. Boyland explained that the problem for small and medium-sized businesses is that they don’t have the luxury of Amazon’s throngs of developers who work around the clock to perfect their shopping experience.

That’s where RevCommerce steps in. Boyland said the platform provides a “flexible system that offers a best-in-class experience.” RevCommerce works well with other major eCommerce platforms such as Shopify, giving users the ability to make their website as sleek and user-friendly as the biggest competitors.

Andy Boyland, CEO of RevCommerce

RevCommerce consists of four main components: a content management system, a product information manager, a digital asset manager, and a cart/checkout feature. These can be used independently or together to create a unique shopping experience for each customer.

The PeakActivity team has future-proofed RevCommerce to protect users from the constantly-evolving nature of the tech landscape. It is easy to integrate any new eCommerce functionality that might come into the market.

Since its launch in May, RevCommerce has already added value to a wide range of customers as varied as an eyehealth retailer and an air filter company.

PeakActivity has experienced a significant amount of growth since the pandemic, when businesses of all shapes and sizes doubled down on their digital footprint. The company made it to the top 10% on the Inc 5000 list of Fastest-Growing Privately Held Companies in the US in 2020. “We’re hiring 2-3 new people every week,” said Hirapara. They were also awarded one of the most promising digital marketing service companies in 2021 by CIO Review.

A major challenge that professional services firms like PeakActivity face is how to scale. For Hirapara, the key to success lies in trusting employees: “my advice to founders is to hire smart people and get out of the way.” He said he takes pride in “finding and grooming great leaders, and giving them the opportunity to get better.”

Hirapara said that one of his top professional goals is to help the Florida tech ecosystem flourish. He highlighted the historical origins of the local tech space: “I grew up in Boca when IBM was there,” he said. “It was a highly tech-oriented town. Now we’re seeing a lot of startups there.” 

He explained his ambition “to create an environment in tech here where people can feel like they can take risks, and take advantage of the diversity inherent to our region.” Apart from his role at the helm of PeakActivity, he also plans to accomplish that goal through his work with Tech Hub South Florida as Chair of the CxO Peer Group, among other initiatives.

Learn more about RevCommerce on their website.