Jul 11, 2022

Member Spotlight | StevenDouglas


Business: One of the nation’s leading boutique Search and Interim Resources firms, is a recognized leader in identifying and providing access to top talent for clients. Their client base is industry agnostic and ranges from start-ups and emerging middle-market to Fortune 500 companies and private equity firms. 

Founded: 1984

HQ: Fort Lauderdale

Website: StevenDouglas.com


Navigating today’s hiring landscape can be tricky. An all-time high number of job postings combined with increasing macroeconomic uncertainty makes the hiring process difficult for employers and employees alike.

Fort Lauderdale-based recruiting firm StevenDouglas can help. They act as trusted advisors, equipping their clients and candidates with the necessary tools for success. StevenDouglas takes a long-term perspective, focusing on forging long lasting partnerships in the industry.

Adriana Duque is Director of Client Services at StevenDouglas. In this role, she helps StevenDouglas’s tech clients fill a wide range of roles – from software engineering and UI/UX to business analytics and AI.

“The talent market is very tight right now,” she told South Florida Tech Hub. “Because of the prominence of remote working, the South Florida tech community is no longer competing just with other local organizations – but with organizations nationwide.” 

That said, Duque noted that the remote work revolution has also led to more talent and more tech companies moving to South Florida. She also expressed excitement about the influx of talent from bootcamps and graduates with tech-focused degrees. “It’s going to take a while to impact the talent market though,” she acknowledged.

Another major issue: compensation. “I believe that South Florida hasn’t caught up to the increase in salaries we see from companies from New York, for example,” she noted. 

Adriana Duque

But Duque urges firms to provide other benefits to lure top talent, such as remote working. “It’s a candidate-driven market right now,” she explained. “And when I talk to talent, they tell me that they don’t mind going into the office once or twice a week, but really they want to be primarily remote.”

As native South Floridian who has been recruiting in this market for over 20 years, Duque is passionate about helping lift up our local tech ecosystem. “South Florida Tech Hub has really been driving the mission of establishing South Florida as a top location for technology,” she asserted.

“My take is that if you build it, they will come,” Duque continued. “So we’re building it and companies are clearly starting to come.”

Duque also shared some key tips for tech employees looking for their next role. Top of the list: building a relationship with recruiters. “It’s all about timing. If you build a relationship with a recruiter and keep them posted on your job search, they’ll let you know as soon as there is a relevant opening.”

She also urges job seekers to do their homework. “It’s really important to do research. Don’t just send your resume through a website. Look into who the hiring manager is and send a message directly to them. It goes a long way.”

“Looking for a job is a full-time job,” she said. “The more effort you put into it, and the more you apply to jobs, the more likely you are to get another job.”