Nov 13, 2017

#MadeInPBC | Adam Steinhoff, Founder @ Dedicated IT


Adam Steinhoff madeinpbc

Adam Steinhoff

 #MadeInPBC Spotlights are a weekly series of the Palm Beach Tech Association, featuring accomplished entrepreneurs in the Palm Beaches.

This week we feature Adam Steinhoff, Founder & CEO of Dedicated IT, a Palm Beach Gardens Information Technology Company providing premium IT network support, hosting and consulting to businesses with 10 to 500 employees.

What is your business?

Dedicated IT is one of the fastest growing, most capable, full service technology companies in Florida. Our goal is to change the perspective that people have about IT companies and the people who work for them. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, but we do take what we do for our clients very seriously.

Who are your clien ts?

Dedicated IT’s clients are businesses who have had it up to “here” with IT companies. They are looking for a company who will under promise, and over deliver. They are interested in, not only fixing immediate problems, but in thinking outside the box for the strategic advantage that properly designed and implemented technology can bring them.

Dedicated IT’s clients range from law offices with seven staff members to medical facilities with hundreds of employees.

What inspired you to become an entrepreneur?

10-15 years ago, when Dedicated IT was in its infancy, this story should have been about me; about being an entrepreneur for as long as I can remember and about what inspired me to be one.

However, Dedicated IT is much bigger than me at this point; It’s about our clients who trust us with one of their most important assets: their data and the systems that store it; It’s about our employees who bend over backwards for those clients; It’s about the partners who have chosen to align themselves with Dedicated IT; It’s about the infectious culture here and that fact that people are drawn to it. It’s so NOT about Adam Steinhoff.

What’s your favorite part about what you do?

I am blessed to be the curator of an organization that attracts, employs, respects, challenges, encourages and grows people. I really feel good about enabling people to be their best and then allowing them to tackle hard problems for our clients.

Fun Facts?

Adam Steinhoff, Dedicated IT’s CEO is known to bounce down the hallway on Bounce Boots (there may even be a video of it on the Dedicated IT Facebook page).

Dedicated IT has an office in Palm Beach Gardens, Melbourne and will be in Orlando by year’s end.

Since January 2017, our team has worked over 15,500 service requests for our clients with an average response time of 4 hours 22 minutes, and an average resolution time of 11 hours 17 minutes. Of those, 397 were classified as urgent, and had an average response time of 1 hour, 18 minutes, and were resolved on average 11 hours and 3 minutes later. Oh, and 98% of the time, our clients said we were “awesome”. Only 1% said “not good” when surveyed after we wrapped up a service request.

 Why the Palm Beaches?

I feel like my answer should sound like it was written by “Visit Palm Beach,” but the fact of the matter is that I was born here. I went to school in Palm Beach County, I met my wife in Palm Beach County, We had our kids in Palm Beach County. Even as Dedicated IT expands into other markets throughout Florida, Palm Beach will always be stitched into its DNA.

How has Palm Beach Tech helped you?

Palm Beach Tech has helped me and Dedicated IT in two distinct ways:

  • Palm Beach Tech has helped us connect with the most prominent technology leaders in Palm Beach County.
  • It has provided me a place to serve and make an impact in a field in which I love.