Aug 22, 2023

Carrier strengthens sustainability commitments in 2023 ESG report


Carrier Global Corporation, a leading provider of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration solutions, headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, recently released its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report detailing the company’s sustainability strategy and latest initiatives. 

The report outlines Carrier’s commitment to setting near and long-term emission reduction targets, including a goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across its value chain by 2050. Since 2020, Carrier’s efficient products have enabled customers to avoid over 212 million metric tons of GHG emissions. The company is also targeting a reduction of its customers’ carbon footprint by more than 1 gigaton and carbon-neutral operations by 2030.

President Carrier Corporation, Chief Operating Office Carrier, CEO, Carrier Leadership Team, Carrier Board of Directors, David L. Gitlin

David Gitlin

In the report, David Gitlin, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, stated “Our planet is at a critical juncture. Climate change is causing irreparable damage to the environment, and the need to transition to renewable energy has never been greater. At Carrier, the purposeful transformation of our portfolio will create a true global climate champion that leverages innovative technology to make a meaningful impact on the world for generations to come.”

“I am proud of the progress we are making. Looking ahead, we strive to be a catalyst for positive and sustainable change as we innovate, empower our people and operate with integrity. As a world leader in intelligent climate and energy solutions, Carrier is proud to have a deeply positive impact on people and our planet.”

On environmental metrics, Carrier reduced its energy consumption by 25% and water withdrawal by 11% compared to 2021 levels. The company purchased 134,000 MWh of renewable energy credits for its North American electricity use and implemented energy efficiency projects at its facilities worldwide. One such project, led by NORESCO, a part of Carrier, is in use in Fullerton, California, reducing the city’s carbon footprint and enabling critical infrastructure upgrades. To date, NORESCO has guaranteed more than $5 billion in energy and operating cost savings at more than 10,000 facilities while reducing customer carbon dioxide emissions by more than 25 million metric tons – the equivalent of planting 1.4 million acres of forest.

A Carrier healthy green buildingAdditionally, Carrier is driving progress on social initiatives like inclusion, diversity and community engagement. In 2022, the company increased its spending with diverse suppliers to $312 million, expanded Employee Resource Groups globally and continued partnerships with historically Black colleges and universities. Carrier contributed over $9.7 million to community organizations worldwide. 

Looking ahead, Carrier plans to continue implementing emissions reduction initiatives across its operations, including more on-site renewable energy projects, fleet electrification efforts, and refrigerant emission reduction programs. As Carrier evolves its portfolio towards climate-friendly solutions, its 2023 ESG Report highlights the importance of sustainability and social responsibility to the company’s overall vision and growth strategy. Carrier aims to lead its industry’s transition to a net-zero future.

View Carrier’s full 2023 ESG Report here.Ă‚Â